В Красноярске стартовала премьера новых «Звездных Войн»

17 декабря 2015, 00:00
In Krasnoyarsk, the Prime Minister launched the new "Star Wars"

Today, on December 17 in Russia came rolling on the continuation of the epic "Star Wars: The Awakening forces." In Krasnoyarsk, a world bestseller began to show in the first minutes of Thursday.

Previously, the remaining cinemas, five minutes after midnight, the prime minister could be seen in "Cinema Park" and "Mori Cinema". Up to 3 o'clock in the cinemas "Gallery Yenisei" episode of the legendary saga came out five times.

On average, every other day at any of the six theaters of Krasnoyarsk "Star Wars" will include for the audience of about 15 times a day. The film is two and a half hours. Show the saga in 2D and 3D formats. Price per ticket never rolls over and is no different from other premier from 100 rubles for a morning session to 1 000 per night in the VIP rooms. View cult film in IMAX in the "Gallery of the Yenisei" will cost from 440 to 550 rubles depending on the time of the session.

Add the world premiere of the film took place on December 16. Space saga showed in 16 countries, including France, Turkey, Norway, Belgium and South Africa. Later, all the "Awakening forces" will see in China, where the prime minister is appointed by only 9 January next year.

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